What Parts Of The Body Should Not Be Massaged?

What Parts Of The Body Should Not Be Massaged?

During a massage, some body parts are out in the open. These are places where massage therapists with a lot of experience can work, but if you are not a massage therapist yourself, you should stay away from them.

Avoid making the following mistakes:

Throat/front neck: You may have heard the phrase “go for the throat.” You can probably find it here. Avoid this area, which has essential nerves and the carotid artery.

  • Even though the side of the neck is not as sensitive as the front, you should still handle it carefully.
  • Please don’t put your finger in the ear notch because it has a sensitive facial nerve. It is right behind your jawbone and below your ear.
  • Don’t put your fingers right in your massage partner’s eyes, even if it seems obvious.
  • The armpit, or axilla, is a place many people find itchy. There are many nerves, arteries, and lymph glands in this sensitive area.
  • A region filled with nerves runs the length of the arm bone that can be found on the inner aspect of the upper arm, just below the armpit. In this case, that unpleasant feeling comes from pressing too hard.

Parts Of The Body Should Not Be Massaged

The ulnar notch of the elbow is where the ulnar nerve, also called the “funny bone,” is located. If you apply too much pressure here, your friend may yell at you in a foreign language that you aren’t familiar with and curse at you.

Organs, which are soft and vital parts, are packed tightly into the abdomen. The liver, gallbladder, and spleen are in the upper abdomen near the ribs. It would help if you handled them with great care.

It’s not a good idea to put too much pressure on the kidneys in the lower back, which are right next to the spine and below the ribs.

The femoral triangle is also called the groin. Your front leg meets your body in the middle of the line. Too much pressure can stop the blood from getting to the portion.

The back of the knee, also called the popliteal area, is very sensitive to pressure. Because people usually feel the most stress and pain in their shoulders, backs, and necks, these are the first places that come to mind when they think about getting a massage. If you ask, anyone will say yes to a good back or shoulder rub. These massages are very soothing and can help relieve pain and stress. Did you know that you can feel similar things in other parts of your body? Even though they all help reduce stress in the same way, these body parts are often forgotten when getting massages.

When you massage the reflex points in your ears, your body and mind will feel less stressed. The Gate of Heaven is the most famous and peaceful place. People in China think that pressing on the tops of our ears can help us relax, get rid of headaches, and feel less stressed. They were the first people to find this place.

Your Thumbs: We use our hands a lot throughout the day, and our thumbs help us do many things. Each of our fingers has millions of nerve endings and eight muscles. In particular, massaging the thumbs can help relax the rest of our bodies. You can ease the pain in your sore thumb by massaging it.

Even though we always use our wrists, we tend to forget about them. The “inner gate,” called pericardium 6, is a crucial acupressure point below the wrist. If your heart is beating too fast, massage this area. You can do it yourself by applying light pressure with your thumb and massaging your wrist in a circular motion for a few seconds.

Using your diaphragm to breathe In addition to being the primary muscle you use to live, your diaphragm also protects the integrity of your core and spine. So will it be if the rest of your body is in bad shape? Try to get rid of any tension you can whenever you can.

Your Digestive System: Massaging your stomach can help your gut move and digest better. Physical activity, like walking or jogging, is a great way to keep your digestive system in good shape. But because most of us now work from home, we used to travel less than we used to. Here, a simple belly rub will do.

Your Buttocks: Believe it or not, our glutes are some of our largest muscles! People often forget to massage their buttocks, but they can help with acute pain, tight muscles, and soreness from overuse.

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