Even though you need a lot of training to do a therapeutic back massage, you can still give someone a nice, tissue-stimulating massage without training. Learning the fundamentals of massage and how to apply them properly from Ashiatsu Massage London will allow you to perform high-quality massages in the comfort of your own home. If you don’t have a lot of expertise, one of the most essential things to keep in mind is that you should always test things out with a light amount of pressure.
Getting ready for a back rub:
Choose a pleasant environment: The best way to reach someone’s back is with a massage table, which is made for comfort and has a face cradle to help keep the spine straight. There are a couple other options available in the event that this one does not work.
Set up a soft mat: If you don’t have a massage table and want to use a hard surface instead, you should first put down a soft mat. Choose a mat at least two inches thick to ensure the person getting the massage is comfortable.
Spread a clean sheet over the mat or table: Since the person getting the massage will be completely or mostly naked, a sheet will keep them cleaner and more comfortable. It will also catch any oil that is left over.
- If a face cradle is on the massage table, have the person lie down with their face on it.
- If you find that placing a cushion or a towel folded in half beneath the person’s ankles makes things simpler, do that instead. This will help support the back in that area.
- If the person was undressed while wearing a towel or had pulled the extra sheet up, fold the fabric down to show their back.
Back Massage Techniques:
Tell them what you’re going to say first: Ask them to tell you immediately if anything they are doing hurts or makes you feel bad. They have to trust you to feel like they are protected.
- Before you start, ask them where they usually feel tension or pain, if they’ve ever had physical therapy or gone to a chiropractor, and if they have a diagnosis. This can help you better comprehend their circumstances so that you can assist them without adding to the suffering they are already experiencing.
- Someone should regularly remind the person to take calm, deep breaths, which will help him calm down.
Massage oil: Pour about a teaspoon of massage oil into the palm of your hand, which is about the size of a quarter. Before you put it on the person, rub it between your hands to warm it up.
- Use organic coconut oil, grape seed oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, or jojoba oil as good cooking oils. You can also try one of the many expensive specialties and scented massage oils on the market. There are different kinds of massage oil here.
Spread the oil: Effleurage, “gentle friction,” is the most common way to put warm oil on a person’s back. It is best to use long, steady strokes with gliding motions. Start at the lower back and use your whole hand to work your way up.
Always press up toward the heart, where the blood flows, and then lightly touch the outside of the back. Put your hands back on the ground. Keep touching it, but don’t put any pressure on it. Use this method for three to five minutes to gradually warm up the muscles in your back, going from light to medium pressure.
Use the fanning method and sit at the head of the table: Put your thumbs on each side of your spine, behind your neck, and at the top of your back. With your thumbs spread out, use a “fanning” motion to press down on the lower back gently. Instead of pushing down and away from the ground, press on the person’s feet. Work your way down to the hips from the top of the back by putting pressure on each thumb in turn.
Instead of directly touching the spine, please focus on the muscles on either side. Massaging the spine can be very painful and even dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Turn around so you’re facing the other person, and twist: Move one hand around the far hip while the other rests on the tight hip. Pull one hand toward you while you pull the other hand away from you. The two hands should slide smoothly against each other in the middle. Go down when you’re done hiking up the back to the shoulder area. Ashiatsu Massage London mostly employs these strategies because they are effective.