What Are The Benefits Of Sports Massage?

One of the oldest types of massage, with roots in ancient Greek and Roman games and early eastern martial arts. Homer’s poem “The Odyssey” talks about how Greek warriors got massages after a battle to help them recover and get their strength back. Roman gladiators also got massages before and after their fights. Johan Georg Mezger, a Dutch practitioner who made “Swedish” massage popular, used words like “effleurage,” “petrissage,” and “tapotement” to describe the basic strokes used in sports massage.

What does sports massage mean?

When soft tissue is moved during a sports massage, a type of deep tissue massage, Pain and tightness are relieved, and mobility is increased. Muscles, skin, tendons, ligaments, and fascia are soft tissue parts. Sports massage is meant to fix any imbalances or limits from working out. Exercise isn’t always necessary; sometimes it’s enough to sit at a computer all day or carry heavy things at work. When done before or after exercise, sports massage can improve performance, prevent injuries, and speed up recovery.

What Sports Massage Can Do for You?


Sports massage is beneficial because it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which controls your heart rate, blood pressure, and other bodily functions. The benefits of taking it easy far outweigh any drawbacks.

Take it easy:

When the body is under stress, it doesn’t work right. This could include being mentally or physically tired after a long work week. By lowering the number of stress hormones in your body, sports massage can help you stay healthy and avoid getting sick. It can also help you heal faster and keep you from getting hurt.

Better blood flow:

When your muscles relax and don’t have to work as hard, your blood flow goes up. This gives your muscles the necessary nutrients and removes waste products like lactic acid. Again, this speeds up recovery and lowers the chance of getting hurt.

Bringing down blood pressure:

When there is less stress, less muscle tension, and more blood flow, the heart does not have to work as hard to pump blood around the body.

Help for sore muscles:

When you work out or do any other physical activity, tiny fiber tears happen in your muscles. This isn’t bad, but it causes inflammation deep in your tissues, which helps your tears heal. This is what makes you sore a day or two after working out. This is also called DOMS, which stands for “Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness” (known as DOMS – Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness). Sports massage helps your muscles heal by getting more blood and eliminating waste products like lactic acid.

Boost the activity of the lymphatic system:

Our bodies use the lymph system to get rid of Pain and swelling. If we didn’t have lymph nodes, we’d swell up like the Michelin Man! They drain any liquid, filter out waste, and flush the good stuff back into our bloodstream so it can be used again. Because massage helps move lymph through the body, you may feel thirsty after getting one, and this will get better if you drink water after your massage.

Feel good about yourself:

During a sports massage, endorphins were made to flow. These are things our bodies make that make us feel good and they make Pain go away.

Less time spent in Pain:

Muscles, tendons, and ligaments that have been hurt can heal faster and better with sports massage. It makes you more flexible and helps control scar tissue, so you don’t lose your ability to move when you get hurt.

Easier to move around:

Sports massage makes it easier to move joints because it stretches and lengthens the muscles around them. Bones are freer to move because the synovial fluid inside the joints has increased. Adding more oil to your vehicle will make transporting items much simpler.

Makes performance better:

Massage in sports makes people do better. When your muscles are in shape, you can run faster, jump higher, pick up bigger things, and punch harder. Massage will help you do better in any sport.

Relieves Pain:

When you get a massage, your blood flows more quickly, which decreases the inflammation that causes Pain. Pain in the muscles is a common side effect of chronic pain management, and sports massage can help alleviate this problem by relaxing the muscles.

Sports massage can help you do your best if you’re an athlete. This also means less Pain and injury, both of which can slow you down. Massage makes you feel less tired and lessens the swelling and tension in your muscles.

Sports massage can help relieve Pain and keep you from getting hurt, which can hurt your performance in sports.

It Helps make people more flexible:

You try to be the best athlete you can be. But regular exercise makes your muscles feel tired. When you train too much, your muscles can get stiff. A sports massage can help loosen tight muscles and make the body more flexible. The ability to loosen up and become more flexible through a pre-game sports massage can significantly impact performance. Please get in touch with us if you require more information about Sports Massage Dalston.

Top Place for London Massage:

Deep Tissue Massage London – Ashiatsu
+44 7784 609599