What Is Ayurvedic Massage?

Abhyanga is another name for ayurvedic massage, and it uses the same integrated and all-around medical ideas used, where it was first found. The main goal of this massage therapy is to balance your body’s doshas so that you can feel calm and spiritually fulfilled. It also helps the lymphatic system drain, ease muscle tension, and feed the skin.

Ayurvedic practitioners believe that Ayurveda comes from the five elements of earth, water, air, fire, and space, called doshas. These parts of our bodies should be in perfect balance, but most of us have doshas out of balance because of many internal and external factors in modern life.

Kapha means water and earth, Pitta means fire and water, and Vata means air and space; these elements correspond to the doshas. Because there are many energy points in the body, a massage therapist can feel if your body is out of balance by using a well-trained touch and being aware of how energy flows.

What will an ayurvedic massage feel like?

The massage style is unlike a typical Swedish, deep tissue, or sports massage. Our Ashiatsu Massage London therapist can use new techniques and essential oils to get the best results. You shouldn’t expect a therapist to use a lot of pressure to break up the “knots” because the technique is mostly about manipulating the skin and the exact energy spots.

For ayurvedic massage, there are many essential oils to choose from. Even though they are similar to those used in aromatherapy treatments, professional therapists classify them as being made to help the flow of certain doshas. For example, if the massage therapist thinks you need help with Pitta flow, he will use cold oils. If he thinks you need help with Vatta flow, he will suggest warm or hot oils.

In what ways is ayurvedic massage helpful?

The oil used in an ayurvedic massage has much to do with how well it works, and your desired results will also affect which oil you choose. For example, if you want to improve your focus, memory, concentration, or efficiency, the massage therapist may suggest verbena, rose, tea tree, or ginger oil.

The therapist may suggest camomile, cedar, or pine if you want to fight infections or illnesses or reduce inflammation. If you want to learn more about Ashiatsu massage in London, you can do so by visiting the website.

Is there something wrong with Ayurveda?

Some Ayurvedic herbs will only cause side effects or interact with western medicines if they are used. You should first talk to your therapist to ensure the oils are safe. Massage therapists don’t recommend it for pregnant women, babies, or mothers who are nursing because there isn’t enough research.

Ayurvedic massage techniques include:


Abhyanga is an old Ayurvedic therapy that uses friction-based strokes and warm oils that are made for each dosha. As the oil gets into your skin, it also gets into your tissues and helps get toxins out of the cells. This type of massage improves the immune system, increases blood flow, and makes the body and mind feel very relaxed.


Gandharva makes the flow of energy better by using both touch and music. During this type of massage, the therapist uses heated herbal oils and crystal singing bowls to cause the body’s cells to vibrate and alter. People will be happier and healthier as a result of this strategy.


Marma points are places where vital energy or life points are found in the body, mind, and emotions. During a marma massage, dosha-specific essential oils and a soft, circular touch stimulate these energy points. Marma massage helps the body heal by using subtle energy, or prana, to relax tight muscles and improve circulation.

Most Ayurvedic massages are one of the following:

Ayurvedic massage on the Odyssey:

Five Ayurvedic techniques are used in this therapy to treat the whole body, mind, body, and energy. One or two therapists do the massage. The detox process starts with Garshana, a dry-glove exfoliation that also wakes up the lymphatic system and prepares the skin for the oils.

The next treatment is abhyanga, where the therapist uses friction strokes to work. Warm herbalized oil into your body’s tissues from head to toe to loosen and remove ama. The slow, deep, and penetrating strokes of Vishesh then help people relax. The procedure ends with marma and balancing the chakras with essential oils that are good for each dosha.


Most of the time, two massage therapists do pizichilli. It is also called an “oil bath” because warm streams of herbal oil are rhythmically poured over the body. This treatment warms, lubricates, and feeds the body to improve circulation, eliminate toxins, and clean it.


A slow stream of warm oil is poured over the forehead and into the third eye chakra, also known as the Ajna. It is the energy center of intuition, during the Shirodhara therapy, which is a tranquil and meditative treatment. This is done in a slow and steady stream. This method brings the mind and body together and calms the nervous system at the same time.